

Our vision towards sustainability and CSR

goMICE is committed to optimizing all our services and activities for the benefit of the planet.

We put everything in place to maintain our reputation as a key market player in the MICE industry through the implementation of serval important environmental programs:

  • External reduction and compensation policy Anthesis.
  • Partnership with “ MVO Nederland”
  • Contribution to Social Development Goal no. 13: Climate action
  • Extensive focus on sustainability and environmental policy for the office
  • Support of one or more social purposes

CO2 Compensation Program

Wij werken samen met een van de meest toonaangevende organisaties op het gebied van klimaatverandering en klimaatcompensatie Anthesis.

Door deze samenwerking kunnen we onze klanten op een milieubewuste wijze laten reizen en direct een oplossing bieden voor het verminderen van de impact van meetings en events. Voor de compensatie van een (incentive) reis of evenement maken wij gebruik van slimme tools die de uitstoot berekenen welke door Anthesis kan worden gecompenseerd bij vooraf geselecteerde (internationale) goede doelen.

Sustainable Development Goal 13
(SDG 13)

The SDGs are 17 goals to make the world a better place by 2030. They are a global compass for challenges such as poverty, education, and the climate crisis. 

We have included Sustainable Development Goal No. 13 "climate change" as a dream goal in our sustainability strategy. Because we do not only want to compensate, but also actively help to create a world that future generations can continue to enjoy.


Sustainability Ambassadors

To keep sustainability top of mind within our organization, we have appointed a team of sustainability ambassadors who take care of:

  • Monitoring the sustainability strategy
  • The coordination of internal and external actions
  • Internal and external reporting
  • Developing new activities
  • Maintaining the CSR Netherlands network

Voor vragen over ons duurzaamheidsbeleid of om ons complete kwaliteitshandboek of MVO beleidsplan op te vragen kunt u contact opnemen met marketing@uniglobealliancetravel.nl.

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